Introduction to chemistry. Fundamentals
of organic chemistry. Definition and description of a forensic analysis. The
sampling problem in forensic science. Sample conservation. Matrices that can undergo
investigation. "Quality assurance" in the forensic field. Critical
evaluation of the results. Review of the main analytical techniques in the
forensic field. Spectroscopic techniques. Application of spectroscopic
techniques to forensic investigations: mass spectrometry techniques and its
application to forensic investigations. Application of various hyphenated and
non-hyphenated analytical techniques: nano chip LC, GC, head space/GCMS,
SPME/GCMS, ICPMS, gel electrophoresis. Application of optical microscopy and
SEM for the analysis of surfaces. Analysis of substances of abuse and doping
substances. Analysis of fires and explosions. Organic explosives and inorganic
explosives. Analysis of gunshot residues. Analysis of the different types of
matrices (hair, fibres, blood, urine, organic liquids, fingerprints, paint,
gunshot residue, etc.). Qualitative and quantitative analyses. The problem of
false positives.