Obiettivi del corso:


Introdurre alla disciplina
della psicologia ambientale, ai suoi concetti e metodi principali, ad esempi di
ricerca e applicazione, anche in riferimento alla collaborazione



Descrizione dei contenuti:


Il corso ha l’obiettivo di
estendere i concetti della psicologia sociale, occupandosi di quell’ambito
della psicologia che è venuto delineandosi con la denominazione di psicologia
ambientale. La psicologia ambientale si propone di comprendere le relazioni e
le transazioni tra processi psicologici e aspetti dell’ambiente spazio-fisico,
anche nelle sue componenti sociali. Particolare attenzione è rivolta ai luoghi
nei quali si sviluppa la vita delle persone: la casa, il quartiere, la città,
l’ufficio, la scuola, i parchi, i territori e gli ambienti di riferimento, le
aree naturali. Il corso analizzerà i principali aspetti della psicologia
ambientale: l’emergenza e le specificità della psicologia ambientale; gli
sviluppi teorici, le metodologie e le principali problematiche oggetto di



Competenze da sviluppare e Risultati di apprendimento attesi:


Lo studente dovrà imparare
a individuare e analizzare le caratteristiche peculiari delle relazioni e
transazioni che s'instaurano tra le persone e i luoghi; nonché avere conoscenza
di alcune delle principali metodologie utilizzabili per studiare le relazioni
tra persone e luoghi a scopo di ricerca scientifica o di applicazione.

Dopo la conclusione del
corso, lo studente sarà in grado di padroneggiare i concetti essenziali riguardanti
le relazioni tra i principali processi psicologici e diversi aspetti
spazio-fisici di ambienti o luoghi di vita.


Valutazione finale:


Esame scritto con 31
domande a scelta multipla sui testi indicati: per ogni domanda vi sono quattro
alternative di risposta, delle quali una sola esatta; ogni risposta esatta
viene valutata un punto e non vi sono penalizzazioni per le risposte errate.

Gli studenti che
partecipano a una o più delle eventuali attività
pratiche durante il corso hanno diritto ai relativi aumenti di voto
eventualmente previsti da tali attività rispetto al voto ottenuto nell’esame
scritto, previa verifica del loro impegno durante le attività pratiche.

Slide ed esempi delle
domande sono forniti nel corso delle lezioni e/o sulla pagina personale del
docente sul sito e-learning: http://elearning2.uniroma1.it/course/index.php?categoryid=27.

Per altre informazioni
cfr. anche la pagina del docente sul sito del Dipartimento:


Per prenotarsi all'esame
occorre effettuare l'accesso tramite il sistema infostud (prenotazione e
verbalizzazione elettronica). Le informazioni in merito a prenotazioni e
risultati degli esami sono poi disponibili su:




Testi consigliati:


Susan Clayton (2012) (a cura di), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and
Conservation Psychology
New York: Oxford University Press.

 Verranno indicati solo
alcuni capitoli. La scelta dei capitoli dipenderà dalla Laurea Magistrale di





  1. Introduction: Environmental and conservation psychology                                          10
  2. Foundations of an ecological approach to Psychology                                                   30
  3. Environmental perception: Wayfinding and spatial cognition                                      24
  4. Environmental attitudes                                                                                                    16
  5. Environmental values                                                                                                        12
  6. Justice and the allocation of natural resources                                                               20
  7. Children and nature                                                                                                                      15
  8. Emotions and environment                                                                                               20
  9. Place attachment                                                                                                                16
  10. Environment and identity                                                                                                 20
differences in environmental engagement                                                        22



18. Natural landscape                                                                                                              16

19. Extreme and Unusual environments                                                                                27



21. Response to environmental disaster                                                                                 23

22. Environmental injustice, collaborative action, and the inclusionary
shift                    14

23. Therapeutic uses of nature                                                                                               17

24. Restorative environments                                                                                                  14

26. Environmental epiphanies                                                                                                24

27. The natural environment in residential settings                                                              18



28. The development of conservation behaviors in childhood and youth                           39

29. Promoting pro-environmental behavior                                                                          25

31. Collaborative processes in ecosystem management                                                        30

32. Learning our way out of unsustainability                                                                       17

33. Psychology and climate change                                                                                        28



TOTAL                                                                                                                                     492


Objectives of the course:


Introducing to environmental psychology, its
main concepts and methods, as well as some research and application examples, with
reference to interdisciplinary collaboration too.



Description of


The course has the aim to extend social
psychology concepts, in order to deal with the psychology domain of
environmental psychology. Environmental psychology aims at comprehending
relations and transactions between psychological processes and aspects of the
spatial-physical, or social-physical, environment of the places where people
life develops: home, neighbourhood, city, workplace, school, parks, reference
territories and environments, natural areas. The course will analyze
environmental psychology's main aspects: emergence and specificities of
environmental psychology; theoretical developments, methodologies, and the main
topics and problems which are its objects of study.



Skills to be developed
and expected learning outcomes:


The student will have to learn how to identify
and analyze the peculiar characteristics of the relationships and transactions
which are created among persons and places; s/he will also have knowledge of
some of the main methodologies to be used in the study of the relationships
among persons and places, with either scientific or applied aims.

After the course end, the student will be able
to master the essential concepts regarding the relationships among the main
psychological processes and several spatial-physical aspects of the life environments
or places.






Lectures: 48



Practicals: 0



Fieldtrips: 0



Final evaluation:


Written examination via 31 questions with
multiple choice answer format on the indicated textbook materials: for each
question, four answer alternatives are given, only one being the correct alternative;
each correct answer scores one point and no negative scores are given for wrong

Students participating in possible practical
activities during the lectures can gain
extra-points allowing them to integrate the written examination score result,
provided their commitment is certified by their active participation in the
practical activities.

Slides and questions examples are given during
the lectures and/or on the professor's relevant page on the e-learning web-site:

Further info are available on the Professor's
relevant page on his Department web-site:
http://dip38.psi.uniroma1.it/dipartimento/persone/bonaiuto-marino .



Suggested textbooks:


Susan Clayton (2012) (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and
Conservation Psychology
. New York: Oxford University Press.


Only few chapters will be requested. Chapters'
choice will depend upon a student's Master enrollment.





1.         Introduction: Environmental and
conservation psychology                                          10

2.         Foundations of an ecological approach
to Psychology                                                   30

3.         Environmental perception: Wayfinding
and spatial cognition                                      24

4.         Environmental attitudes                                                                                                    16

5.         Environmental values                                                                                                        12

6.         Justice and the allocation of natural
resources                                                               20

7.         Children and nature                                                                                                                      15

8.         Emotions and environment                                                                                               20

9.         Place attachment                                                                                                                16

10.       Environment and identity                                                                                                 20

11.       Cultural differences in environmental
engagement                                                        22



18. Natural landscape                                                                                                                    16

19. Extreme and
Unusual environments                                                                          27



21. Response to
environmental disaster                                                                           23

22. Environmental
injustice, collaborative action, and the inclusionary shift               14

23. Therapeutic uses
of nature                                                                                                     17

24. Restorative
environments                                                                                                        14

26. Environmental
epiphanies                                                                                                      24

27. The natural
environment in residential settings                                                                    18



28. The development of
conservation behaviors in childhood and youth                                 39

29. Promoting
pro-environmental behavior                                                                                25

31. Collaborative
processes in ecosystem management                                                   30

32. Learning our way
out of unsustainability                                                                             17

33. Psychology and
climate change                                                                                              28



TOTAL                                                                                                                                           492