In humans and nonhuman primates, successful navigation
within their complex species-specific complex environment requires understanding
and monitoring oneself and others. These abilities are broadly defined as
social cognition. In this course, we will review classical research in the area
of social cognition, including research on communication, altruism and theory
of mind. A special focus will be on everyday problems and real-world concerns that are relevant to social cognition
and educational practice including: parental beliefs and practices about infant
care (infant feeding, attachment issues, infant media exposure), cultural
issues around childbirth and breastfeeding, family leave policies, education
and social policy differences in different cultures. Some developmental disorders characterized by impairments
in social and communication behaviors will also be reviewed. The course
combines in class lectures with debate/discussions preparation and
presentations by students, with the aim of creating a dynamic class context for
active learning.
- Docente: FRANCESCA Bellagamba