The main objective of the module is to learn and experiment with different graphic methods related to the images and aimed at communication. The communication domain is extraordinarily varied and wide-ranging, with infinite possible declinations in multiple areas of application. The primary and most used, but not exclusive, tools of project communication work on visual perception, which is currently the most stimulated sensory aspect. Texts, images, and videos create, through a careful integration, specific narrative paths with definite purposes. In recent years, the image has become the primary means of communication for its characteristics of immediacy, synthesis, accessibility, involvement. The videos themselves may be considered "moving images," structured according to specific narrative paths that find their main characteristic in time and space variation. The course aims to analyse the images in their main components and derivations. This approach will allow managing and controlling the whole image path, from creation to processing and development according to a narrative path, increasing the knowledge about images as a project instrument to describe reality. Four topics will be developed: images as a tool for the analysis of reality, images as a means for the construction of models like reality, images as a virtual product of parallel digital realities, images as a door to deeper information that goes beyond the image itself. These four declinations will be tested within a single thematic project path, creating integrated visual storytelling, and highlighting the image capacities for more effective communication of the narrative theme.