• To now and apply the foundations and theoretical and methodological principles of the nursing discipline.
• To identify, integrate and relate the concept of health and care from a historical perspective, to understand the evolution of the profession.
• To understand from an ontological and epistemological perspective, the evolution of the central concepts that make up the nursing discipline, as well as the most relevant theoretical models, applying the scientific methodology in the treatment process and developing the related care plans.
• To know and apply the principles behind global nursing.
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Highlight the contributions of the forerunners of the nursing profession.
• Discuss the professional development process, highlighting the stages and barriers that, in our context, have affected him.
• Argue the metaparadigm as a central element of the nursing profession and as an object of study of the discipline itself.
• Elaborate a comparative scheme on the characteristics of the concepts: person, environment, health and care, in the different historical phases and in a perspective of the most relevant models.
• Discern the relevant interventions / activities in an argumentative way in order to encourage, promote and maintain healthy habits of life to adequately meet the 14 Fundamental Needs of man.
• Solve nursing diagnosis formulation exercises, collaborative problems, goals, interventions and outcomes.
• Solve a clinical case by adopting using the terminologies NANDA, NIC and NOC.
- Teacher: lucia filomeno
- Teacher: Lucia Filomeno
- Teacher: Lucia Filomeno
- Non-editing teacher: yassin chaoui
- Non-editing teacher: EMANUELE DI SIMONE
- Non-editing teacher: davide parisse