The Course of English Advanced, ideally envisaged for those
students who have already attended also the course of English 2 (optionally
selectable in the second year of the BA degree curriculum) is optional, too, in
the second year of the MA degree course.
Its main objective is to empower the students at an advanced
level from a language proficiency point of view, attending the language
laboratory run by the native speaker, geared onto a C1/C1+ level, according to
the descriptors of the Common European Framework. Attendance of the language classes will allow
the students to deepen, reinforce and expand the grammatical, syntactical,
stylistic and pragmatic notions already possessed. Particularly focused
attention will be devoted to the EAP function, as it is understood that the
students opting for the course intend to use English as scientific tool of
investigation and research in their chosen curricular area and in their future
From the point of view of specific contents, scientifically
qualified texts produced by internationally reknown authors in the areas of
Translation Studies, Theory of Literature and Critical Thinking, will be
presented, analysed and assimilated, as examples of theoretical, translational
and critical thinking questions.
The students interested in this course, ideally, have
already attended passed with brilliant
results the previous two English courses delivered in the BA level.
Alternatively, they can produce an international
certification at the B2 level. It is also suggested that attending students are
familiar with the basic notions of English for Academic Purposes. Beside that,
it is suggested that their motivation be really genuine and of the integrative
Therefore, attending students will be able to empower their
linguistic competence on the formal level of grammar, vocabulary, discourse and
text analysis, and enhance the argumentative potentialitis improving their
abilities in building a text for academic purposes and scientific research.
Critical thinking will be empowered through direct contact with theoretical
texts and translation activities of authorial texts; delivery skills will be expanded by way of
exposure to and training in ppt presentations, with updated techniques and
In order to provide further details of the linguistic and
rhetorical content of the course, we can say that focused attention will be
devoted to:
on the lexical empowerment level: - vocabulary building, -
collocations, -inferring the meaning of words, - focusing on academic
vocabulary; in reading abilities: - skimming and scanning, - identifying the
sequence of ideas, - understanding implicit meanings; in research activities:-
webquests, -researching texts for
essays, - avoiding plagiarism; in presentation skills: - introducing your
presentation, - clarifying key terms, - preparing slides for presentations, - adopting
the appropriate delivery style, - understanding lecture aims, - choosing the
right type of chart, etc.; in essay writing: - understanding how essay types
are organised, - drafting the introduction to an essay, - avoiding repetition,
- identifying word families and cohesive elements linking parts of texts, -
using claims to plan essays, -
supporting claims with evidence, - using contrastive information; in
teamworking: - understanding signals of incomplete information, - understanding
forward and backward reference, - making
suggestions in group work, - referring to other people's work, - how to work
with colleagues, - reaching consensus in group work, etc.
There will be lectures delivered in ppt presentations
enriched with audio and video files and different kinds of multimodal documents.
The language of delivery will be English.
The native speaker language instructor will run language
classes focused on academic English and translational practice.
The written part will concern a translational activity (from
English into Italian).
The oral part will regard the discussion of scientific
topics as presented in the personal "portfolio".
Prof. Marina Morbiducci
Il corso di Translation and Language (Advanced) per
gli studenti della magistrale LM-36, opzionale, consta di due obiettivi
empowerment in terms of critical thinking, idiomatic discourse and spoken critical
competence empowerment in terms of interlingual and intersemiotic translation,
comparative translation and critical literary appreciation.
The topics
covered are:
translation practice (even first-hand translations)
of different cultures from the world in
English via translation
- Spoken critical discourse.
5 objectives:
improvement of our own level of
awareness on theoretical issues,
enhancement of our own critical
expansion of translational
contact with post-colonial
1° expansion of translation capabilities (5/15)
2° improvement of language skills (4/15)
3° critical thinking (3/15)
4° post-colonial WE issues (3/15)
- Teacher: MARINA Morbiducci