The semester's project theme concerns a significant area of the Spree river quay in Berlin, to be regenereted from an urban and architectural point of view with a mix of permanent and temporary architectures suitable for functions related to public use by the surrounding population.
The design studio is a learning-by-doing process with the support of introductory communications and with the participation of external experts during the program .
The evaluation of the final project will be based on the categories "Concept", "Masterplan", "Building architecture", with critics on intermediate deliveries.
For further orientation visit the site and consider the following books:
Roberto A. Cherubini. CSIAA_Docks Reloaded. Palombi, Roma 2007
Roberto A. Cherubini. Never_Ending City. Orienta, Roma 2011
Roberto A. Cherubini, Maurizio Petrangeli. Le Mura, l'Acqua, la Centralità, Orienta, Roma 2014
Roberto A. Cherubini. Mediterraneo Contemporaneo. Una modellistica di progetto. Franco Angeli, Roma 2019
- Teacher: Alessia Gallo