The Course ISSUES
DESIGN (6CFU - ICAR / 13) is focused to deepen the cultural trends and the
approaches of the contemporary Design in order to transfer to the student a
critical understanding about to the relationships between morphological language,
cultures, transformation processes and social dynamics. The didactic activity
will have the of contributions by experts (professionals, critics, theorists)
from the Design community invited as lecturers. The student has to develop a
critical-analytical capacity to be expressed through critical papers.
The course begins with a historical look at some of the highlights of design in
the last century, illustrated starting from the network resources that enable
it to be studied (repertories, archives, databases, foundations);
Then, thanks also to
the contribution of experts and visits, the aspects of contemporary design
connected with data, knowledge, information, visualisation, interaction, gaming
and complex systems are addressed.
Lessons are conducted in presence (ore remotely) with reference to
didactic units with an interface that includes the themes, resources,
activities that are used to acquire knowledge and skills on the topics; each
lesson also presents invitations to cooperative interaction; experts' lectures
are planned.
The examination
consists of an oral test in which an application work agreed with the lecturer
is discussed.
- Teacher: ANTONELLA SbrilliEletti