Le lezioni del 21 e 28 Maggio si svolgeranno nella seguente fascia oraria: 13:30 -17:00
Zoom: https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/88532386979?pwd=bXIzZWw1VmdVSlR6T1FlcXJHcVFuUT09
ID riunione: 885 3238 6979
The course aims to study sectorial English language of Biological Sciences, through the reading and listening of text/audio in their original language, alongside the study of the main morphosyntactic structures of English language: Past Tenses, Future Tenses, The Passive, Conditional clauses (zero, first, second and third), reported and direct Speech, Phrasal Verbs, Modal verbs, Adjectives, Comparatives and Superlatives forms, Vocabulary. The course includes the reading, the analysis and the translation of passages in their original language. skills.
It is required a B1 English Level according to the Common European Framework for foreign languages. At the end of the course students should be able to use major English grammatical structures, have a competent knowledge of English language and vocabulary used in specific scientific contexts, read and listen specific scientific materials and they should be able to analyse them in detail.
Written exam.
Students with an external linguistic competence certificate certified in the last 4 years by one of the organisations recognised by MIUR at a B2 level or above, will be exempt from taking the final exam. Students should send an email with a copy of their certificate.
-BRIANO P., (2018), A Matter of Life 3.0. English for Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology., Edisco.
-BEOLÉ R., GORGERINO P., POPE A., (2017), Grammar wise. English Grammar and Practice., Edisco.
Further material will be provided during the course.
- Docente: Giulia Nonno