Leadership and Organizational
Change is a 9 credits course (72 Hours), within the Business
Management Curriculum (Master Degree).

The course aims to allow Students
to learn the motivations laying behind the process of organizational change (with particular regard to radical change), the phases
that characterize this process and the problems that companies face in
effectively carrying out a project of change.

The course deals with the main
changes occurring in the external environment of the business firm, and the way
in which they impact on business models, on fundamental operational processes,
on organizational structures, on culture and practices of Human Resource
Management, and on leadership.

This helps to understand the
fundamental organizational variables on which to lever for the effective
implementation of a project of change, having regard to organizational
performance and the achievement and/or the improvement of competitive advantage.

Moreover, the analysis of the
interdependencies that characterize the abovementioned variables allows to
obtain a systemic view of the complex connections between organization,
strategy and environment and the need for organizational change.