#SAPIENZANONSIFERMA Due to the on-going national sanitary emergency, class lectures are given in mixed mode - in person and remotely in synchronous mode -  using  different platforms which are available for anyone who owns a user of the @uniroma1.it or @students.uniroma1.it domains.

The lectures for this course start on 1 March 2021. 

TEACHERS - Daniele Porretta e Laura Parducci   

COURSE AIMS - The course provides students with conceptual and methodological tools for the application of biological analyses to cultural heritage. A special focus is given to the use of DNA-based techniques, including ancient DNA, to investigate the origin of ancient artefacts/environments and their history. After the course students will learn how to identify and investigate the biological materials that make up archaeological artworks and are present in materials from other ancient settings. The student will also learn how to identify species present in different environments, the biological agents that deteriorate artworks and the strategies for cultural heritage conservation.

EVALUATION - The final exam is oral but during the course we will give large space to practical activities/exercises at home and in the DNA laboratory. These activities will contributes to the final mark. The course ends with the discussion of a scientific article/topic during the examination and the final mark will be given by the integration of all these ways of active participation in the course.

STUDY MATERIAL - Material provided by the teachers and available on the e-learning Moodle platform.

Anfore Ancient DMA lab