## a.a. 2023--2024 ## Esercitazione aula ## Data ## Data Documentation on cps2014class CPS data set (created 10/1/2015, Barry Hirsch) ## The data set cps2014class (available in SAS and Stata formats) includes 137,374 non-student wage and salary workers, ages 18 to 65, in 2014, extracted from the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Group files (i.e., the 1⁄4 sample asked earnings and union questions each month). Below is a brief description of the variables you will need to work with in your take-home exercise (a small number of other variables are included, but not defined below). Variable names in Stata dataset are in lower case. #AGE: 18 to 65 #STATE: #SCHOOL: Years of schooling completed (0-20) #FEMALE: 1=females, 0=male #BLACK: 1=black, 0=other race #HISPANIC: 1=Hispanic; 0=other ethnicity #FORBORN: 1=foreign born (includes citizens and non-citizens); 0=native born #MARRIED: 1=married spouse present; 0=ever married, spouse not present; never married #UNION: 1=union member; 0=not a member #WKEARN: Usual weekly earnings ($1 to estimated mean above the topcode) #IMPUTE: 1=earnings non-respondent, earnings imputed; 0=earnings respondent, not imputed #WKHOURS: Usual hours worked per week (1-99) #HRSLSTWK: Hours worked last per week (1-99) #PARTTIME: 1=less than 35 usual hours worked per week; 0=35+ usual hours #MSASIZE: . =not in MSA or small MSA not identified; 2=100t-250t, 3=250t-500t, 4=500t-1m, 5=1m-2.5m, 6=2.5m-5m, 7=5m+ #State codes (11-95); regional breakdown shown below #Northeast #Middle Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic #East South Central West South Central Mountain #Pacific #10