LM in Data Science


The Goal: expose you to a variety of (statistical) methods and models and give you a flavor of some interesting theoretical results, under different assumptions, that support and clarify their practical relevance and performance.

all the topics covered in Stat4DS Part I, the basics of Linear Algebra and Calculus, and a data-analytic oriented knowledge of at least one programming language.

Some of the topic we will cover (not necessarily in order):

  1. Review of basic probability and inference + Concentration of measure + basics of convex analysis.
  2. Statistical functional: bootstrap & subsampling.
  3. (Non)parametric Regression and Density estimation: kernels and RKHS.
  4. (Non)parametric Classification.
  5. Nonparametric Clustering: k-means, density clustering.
  6. Graphical Models and their applications: parametric and nonparametric approaches.
  7. Hints of Nonparametric Bayes
  8. Minimaxity & Sparsity Theory